Tag Archives: Self help

How are you?

So no one asked nobody, for nobody wanted to undergo the wrath of somebody and feel like a fool.
So many died without a real soul talk,
and many just lived to die through this monotonous walk.

If you live life with no one your soul connects with, what are you living for?
Material world is a thief of joy and peace. It has nothing lasting.
And if you can’t look a person in the eye and read them, how can you expect anyone to read you, understand you, vibe with you?
If you want to keep the people who actually ask you about your mental well being, stop holding onto ego, pride and the superiority complex.
All souls are equals, connect on that equal level, leaving the realms and prejudices of the material world behind.
Back in old days, asking everyone we meet “how are you doing?’ came as a habit.
No one asks you that anymore with a reason to actually know how you’re holding up, except to nod off to the ‘I’m fine, wabt you ?’ banter.
This is so robotic. 🙄

Every person is fighting a mental battle. We are all learning professionals of showing off “Nothing can hit me, I’m Rock-(wo)-man .”

How like us ! 😑

Anyway, I did want to check on you, I really do hope you are doing fine.
While, if you have no hope, suffice in the thought that I Hope for you. 😊
Stay blest.

I welcome you…

I welcome you ;
the good , the bad,
the nasty , the sad,
the disappointing, the revealing,
the expected, the unknown,
the peaceful, the envious,
the misfortunes, the glorious,
the lessons, the blessings,
the falls, the climbs,
the moments, the memories,
the gut wrenching pain, the freedom from letting go,
the venom hissed, the healing words,
the spite, the hugs,
the hurt, the love,
the cold, the warmth,
the luxury, the necessities,
the old me, the new me,
the family, the friends,
the betrayals, the loyalty,
the kindness, the arrogance,
the small things, the finer details,
the vivid colours, the rough edges,
the death in life and the life in death.
I welcome you all.
Thank you for making my life dazzle me on.
Grateful. Extremely truly grateful..

-Leandra Rodrigues.

Thanks for liking my words.
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So vibe with me …
FOLLOW : @leee.vibes for more updates like so.

Self love isn’t selfish.

Hi there sweet sunshine,
If you find yourself feeling guilty for indulging in self love and self time, please don’t. It’s not selfish.

Also note self love isn’t self obsession.

It isn’t selfish to love the self you are, cherish what you are, feel at home with who you are.

It isn’t selfish to respect your essence even if others fail to do so.

If you have love within you will have love to give around. The world needs compassion and kindness.
Almost everyone is fighting a mental battle, some wont even be aware.

The times now have exceeded the levels of pressures of expectations and horizons of dreams and wants and goals.

Sometimes you need to simply pause and refuel yourself, be kind to yourself.

Life is such a waste if you hate yourself until your last.
Why don’t you begin with loving the smaller bits you appreciate about yourself and slowly learn to love yourself in totality?

Selfish is not s/he who loves and loves evermore, thy-self , thy-life and thy world.

Stay calm. Stay blest.
Gudnight folks .

Choose the path of soaring.

In order to fly you need to let go of your ground, you need to choose to feel uncomfortable, you need to defy the nature’s pull against you, the gravity of everything holding you back, you need to plunge and accept that you could be falling face forward instead of reaching heights, you need to know your risks well and choose to kick the hell out of it without spite, do it for yourself only if this is the best thing you can do for you, dont plunge off a cliff someone else has led you to,

you choose your mountain,

you choose your ocean,

you always choose yourself

and you choose the flight

and gather the courage

to spread your wings to soar.

The heart will know where your home is and it will eventually lead you there.

Let it be your fall to soar.

Take care dearie.

Attraction Distraction Obsession Destruction.

It all starts with a few stares shared. Or that head rush where you feel like you’re high and you can’t stop taking your eyes off the specimen of your interest.

From a stupid crush to the strong pulls of attraction, which often turns into fascination, and upon alil fueled flirty conversations you are likely to become obsessed to either impress or charm or seek the attention of the much wanted distraction , so you can have a twist in your stagnant boring life.

As much as crushing is a good feeling, and it is nothing evil or such, it’s just human of us to feel the pulls of the universe around, whether from a person in our vicinity or any other such object ;

but being obsessed is just another thing. Obssession comes only when you feed your crush feeling with even more strong pulls and pushes of attraction. And very often if you are not cautious , such obssession slowly takes control of the way you think, and feel, it kinda posseses you, and all you crave is that good mushy feeling all the time, the attention, the tingly beats of your heart, the head rush, the smiles that you dont keep a check on while reading a message or talking or simply checking out the object you are slowly getting obsessed with.

Mind you, unhealthy obsessions act as a trigger of self destruction . You may not realize it, but you are uneasy and unsettled and over thinking in the absence of your crush. And that often steals your peace and makes you agitated.

Remember, not all crsuhes come with a tag of love, some are just for us to live at the moment and forget. Not all attractions should be fed for you to get obsessed. And not all obsessions should you let possess you, and destroy the lil peace you have.

Unknowingly as humans we fall trap to the push and pulls of the universe, and so be conscious and know what should be fed and what should be starved. When you become too agitated in the absence of something, it is best to maintain a distance, find a good distraction and keep your mind busy, slowly the agitation will fade into nothingness given proper time.

It is the same like addiction. You are so obsessed over a thing, your brain controls your feelings and makes you believe that that particular feeling is something you need, you just need it , and you can’t do otherwise. But that’s not true. Everyone can adapt to changes and getting over an unhealthy crush or obssesion or lost love, may act as a challenge for a moment, but it isn’t something that you need, you can get over it, given time and how you starve your brain and feelings of longing or false need.

Trust me. All your brain does in this starvation phase is  make you irritated and tempts you to give in, go ahead and indulge in your crush even when you dont really get the feelings or treatment you deserve in return. It makes you want to believe that it is completely ok. That may be what you thought you deserve is overstated, and you should settle for less.


You first treat yourself with respect, know that you deserve what you offer in total equality. Nothing less. More is an added bonus.

What attention and feelings you invest, if reciprocated in the same force you have pushed so the other pulls, then it’s quite likely that such an investment may develop into a good relationship.

But if the crises forthcoming is seen before hand, you see the symptoms of an unhealthy relationship, then stop. Get back to yourself and catch yourself before you fall into the pit you digged.

Desolation is not a nice place to live in. Being irritated and sad and having thoughts of “what’s wrong with me? Am I not good enough?” are self destroying.

You are good enough. You are enough . Accept yourself first and let no one ever make you doubt that Your totality lacks anything. You are complete and unique , not a half , not unloved. You are your own person. And your love for yourself should be on par with your respect for yourself.

Questioning what you lack is mocking your self esteem and saying you love and respect yourself but not really feeling it genuinely.
Crush blush hush.

Don’t overpull, when pushed.

No one makes you sad, if you dont let them.

Let it not stranggle your peace.

It’s not worth thinking about if it makes you self doubt.

You are worth much more then being let down.

You are enough , even when they fail to see.

You are your own, change at your will , not at the will of others.

Take it easy. Take it slow. Go with the flow.

Take care. I hope this acts as an eye opener.

Have a great day.


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Painting is therapy #1

Something about textures,

Something about paints,

Something about creating something totally insane,

Something that the soul lusts for,

Something so soothing.

Something that let’s you embark on a thrilling journey, full of wonder.

It just feels good to forget 

And let my palette be my undoing.

(Yea…. That’s by me … )

#artistdiaries #writerdiaries #writerden #artistden #paintwrite #create #creativemodeon #creativity_is_soul_lust

Sun kissed

​And when the Sun kissed her in the shadows,

All the darkness faded into a smile,

It was like butterflies dancing in her moonlight.

And when the Sun kissed her ruffled hair, 

She seemed to not care 

of the depth she was drowning in,

because as the light hit her in her nothingness,

she felt the promise of peace and serene.

_ L E A N D R A _
#writerden #writerdiaries #writersofinstagram #blogging #bloggerlife #writenodiet #wordporn #herchaoticthoughts

#7 Finding Me

Shoutout: Teach them to Love oneself.

​Have you seen kids nowadays ? So conscious of how they look, what they wear ?

Not just kids. It is everybody and anybody.

The world is raving about losing weight to stay fit, or getting fairness creams to change the colour of your skin. I mean, ofcourse there’s a miraculous formula to fight the Melanin in your skin. Like seriously. 

Apply this oil to lose cellulite, 

follow that diet to lose weight, 

take this supplement for an alert brain,

Have this tea to relax,

And bla bla bla bla blaaaaaaa.

Maybe some of the things do work out for some people. But not for all.

The main point here is :

Why isn’t there any initiative taken to help people to learn to love themselves first ? To help them accept themselves? To help them learn to love their edges ? Fat or thin or fair or dark or normal or psychic or smart or beautiful or lacking what the world has on its endless racist and discriminative list of perfection?

Why is it so difficult to accept our kids the way they are ? Have you ever paused and thought about what they might be going through ?

I have known some who hate themselves so much that they have resorted to self harming.

Depression is an everyday unreadable disease. It hits all at some point of time. Some brave can face it alone , some need therapy, what about those endless who have no freaking idea what depression is , how to deal with it, how to control anxiety attacks ? How to control pessimism ? How to practice optimism ? 

We have this idea that there wasn’t any need for awareness of such earlier and so it isn’t necessary now. But times have changed. Nuclear families, more of introverts, pressures work-personal- studies, phone addictions, personal interactions are less, comparisons , the picture of ideal role models dumped on you, etc.

People have different emotional quotient in them. Some deal with the extremes and some almost have none. This is serious. There are suicides rising on a large scale, most of them youngsters.

The psychological effect of things we say  , do or talk about is unseen . No one knows what affects the person next to you drastically or what lingers on their mind. Humans are either sensitive or pretentious. 

As adults, we know what to do with our lives, and how to not over-react to changing situations and control and manage through the gambles of life. 

But what about kids ? At such an early age , instead of enjoying the simplicities of life, they are always on their toes to win everyone’s  expectations for them, look presentable, get good grades, have the latest stuff (gadgets) , addictions to social media, attention seeking, etc.

They are basically seeking love, attention and they want someone to tell them that they are good enough. We dont see that. 

It is really high time we give this a thought. 

And try to help them LOVE THEMSELVES FIRST. 

They need to learn to love themselves. BECAUSE they are losing themselves under the pressure of cruel expectations.

Self hatred , the feeling of not good enough, starts at home, school, college or workplace.

No kid deserves to be compared.

No kid has to go through the bully of being tagged by some cruel name or word.
How can you call someone in a degrading name ?

Does it make you feel superior world ?

Tell you what, you are cruel.
It’s the need of the hour to help youngsters accept themselves and be okay with what they are.


I’ve despised
every inch of my skin and the layers beneath,
I’ve despised me more, than the words you hit me with,
because before you, me I have betrayed, longing for hollow bliss,
I’ve despised the child I was, the person I was growing to be,
I’ve despised my edges, those glaring curves, everyone’s mocking sympathy,
I’ve cried and succumbed to these hissing insecurities,
All my life I’ve despised the only one who could have accepted me for me, that’s me.
I blame you not, but how can me I blame either ?

I’ve despised you but me I’ve slaughtered like no other .

I’ve been conscious of what you’ll say even before you voice it,

for you’ve never cared about how I’d feel, you preferred  venom to spit.


​There was a time when I would run away from photographers and my pics…
Why ?

Because then I believed  I was too damn ugly to even look at.

Even the world made me believe that.

All I could see was a girl with caramel skin, she wasn’t fair , she wasn’t stick thin. She was way too flawed to look at. Even the mirror would be her enemy. Wonder why Snow White was the benchmark for the colour of skin to be called the most beautiful ?

But now things have changed. So have I.
I dont believe in being ugly.

I believe in changing into the person I can confidently say is myself.

Now it’s not the world that can define me.

Because now I am not ashamed of who I am.
I am the definition I wanted to be.
It was not the standards of beauty the world sets that I had to fight.

It was my battle within, that I had to conquer.

They say ” you are what you want to be. The product of your thoughts.”

And I believe it is very much right.

When I am me , the me I believe in, the me that is confident, that is not ashamed, that has accepted the self I am,

that is the me the world will see and accept. Because this time, there’s no question for doubt or choice I give the world to choose from.
Simple enough. Isn’t it ?





Accept me as I am. Or watch me as I go.


In the end your first choice should always be :

  • Self acceptance
  • Self respect
  • Self love.