Tag Archives: Jesus

Climb with Jesus.

My dear friends,
Often in life soaring after a fall, you find yourself trapped again or falling again, and the fear & anxiety that crawls makes you feel like you don’t know how to control this change of tides.
That’s because you don’t control it.

God does.

Why do we go to HIM in our dire times of needs , but often take Him for granted in our peaceful time? Why often we fail to Praise Him, acknowledge Him ? Why to fit in with non believers we pretend to be loose on grounds of faith? Or to fit in with firm believers , we pretend we know Him the most?
And yet often the non believers ask us to pray to Him?

What is our faith lacking?

If you have read tons of books in your lifetime, have you read your BIBLE thoroughly? From the Old testament to the New?

It gives us a choice between life & death, good & evil, and advices us this :
Deuteronomy 30:19 CHOOSE LIFE.

When facing a battle and we expect defeat, it says :



Victory is ours if He is our sheild.

Make His word your armour and not even the raving oceans can defeat you. Even whilst drowning you will have hope of being saved, you will know that HE IS WITH YOU.

Remember this my friend,
Numbers 18: 20 I, THE LORD, AM ALL YOU NEED.


There is simply no need to explain life and how meaningful it is, especially when Our Bible has all the answers.

Remember, those battles against God’s chosen people (Israel) were the WILL OF GOD. They had to learn to be faithful to HIM, they had to acknowledge THAT HE IS ALL WORTHY, ALL MIGHTY, EVER SO FAITHFUL, MERCIFUL & LOVING. THAT HE IS POSSESSIVE of His chosen, that He does NOT tolerate substitutes . That every battle against you is HIS CALL FOR YOU TO TURN TO HIM, GLORIFY HIM , HAVE FAITH IN HIM.

How countless are the substitutes in our lives when it comes to God?
Can we too learn to be open to HIM at all times?
He knows our deepest thoughts, our plans, everything that we do.


Remember :


His will for us surpasses the plans we have for our life. Let’s go to Him & let him guide us through our climb.



Stay blest all of you.

May Lord give you peace , courage & faith to embrace your climb and walk through it with HIM.

God forgives.

If you remember the incident where Jesus saves a woman from being stoned to death for her sin had caught light,
you should know God forgives , even those that feel unworthy.
And His mercy surpasses every judgement.
For everyone is a sinner and humanely prone to commit mistakes, except God who is alone without sin.
Big or small your sin/mistake will not be used against you if you repent/turn/learn.

While a crime is unforgivable, sin is not.
Know the difference.
Find it in you to forgive yourself & people when you find it extremely difficult.
Find it in you to accept your wrongs & take charge to better yourself.
Find it in you to believe in Him all the time.
For HE is not only good, but Amazing all the time.

When Faith talks #1

Faith defines a huge part of my existence.
I don’t think I’d recognize me without Him and His abundant blessings.
Jesus is not only my friend, my King, my comforter, my healer, my help, my refuge, my hope, my faith, my courage, my victory, questions & answers… Jesus has come to mean everything to me.
No I don’t go to Him in adversities alone, I’m not that much of a hypocrite. I kinda talk to Him everyday. Prayer is a beautiful tool to seek His presence.
And honestly the way His word (bible) always answers me is amazing.
I am not that girl who would bury her Faith so as to fit in with a sassy group of people who probably mock it and still say they are believers. I know Jesus , and knowing Him just alil has told me that there is so much more to Him that I am simply unaware of.
It is so beautiful to see non believers, come to Churches and Chapels and sit in silence, sometimes praying , sometimes hoping, sometimes just blindly staring. I long to know what they feel, what they experience, what they come there for? For a photograph? For the archaeological structures? For some answers, for peace ? For miracles? Statues?
I don’t know. But what really makes me smile is that most often, when they walk out, they have a smile, they have this peace , a serenity unexplainable.
Sometimes we Christians are so ungrateful and blind to see and learn more about Jesus and How His ways are beyond earthly understandings.
I’m not a preacher. But I hope you’ll know how to cherish your bible, how to study it, and how to talk to Jesus, not only when you need Him (in adversaries) but need Him in all times.

I won’t be that person who will wish you on every feast , every saints day and all that, and I’m sorry if I haven’t reverted back to some who indeed wished me, while that might be alil lacking in my faith, I just somehow am keen to only focus on Him, everything related to Him is a feast that I love to celebrate, whether Christmas, Easter…

People with faith are not blind as people with none choose to think , For we simply choose to believe in something that you can’t bring yourself to believe in.

P.s. the background art pic is from #Pinterest

The quote is mine.

Faith – the way to what you are looking for.

Scriptures to reflect on :

John 11:40 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.


They lost a key this morning , and her mom was all crazy and worried and anxious and already thinking of situations that how bad things could turn out because of this, she even started looking at strangers as suspects or should I say potential thieves? Also blaming God in the process and bringing up all the other hardships and questioning Him as to how much more had they to endure. Alice did reprimand her mom to not drag God into this, that they can’t blame Him for all petty things, have some more faith, they’ll find it.

Somehow Alice was so peaceful , even though she did help her mom and dad look around for it. They searched every possible corner but couldn’t find it. They kept looking and in it all Alice kept her peace , calm and faith.

Alice came back in after looking through the garden , it was a hot morning and her gut had a strong feeling that they would find it. She smiled as she looked at Jesus on her altar and heard her mom’s overly anxious thoughts and spoke in her mind, “Jesus, I know you are here and you are smiling just like me, and I also know you’ll help us find it before this day ends. Somehow I just know this. Why else would I feel at peace and not be a worrywart like mom then ? ”

They hadn’t had breakfast and knowing her mom, Alice knew better than to ask her to sit down and have breakfast. She sat herself down at the table and helped herself, watching her mom hustle around , hoping she wouldn’t flip seeing that she was sitting there all calm without a worry. It was an important key after-all.

Meanwhile, her dad had gone back on the path he had gone early this morning to run a few errands and guess what ?

He found the key sitting proudly at a stop he had had this morning.

Lucky him ? Or Amazing faith?

Alice thanked God in her rejoicing heart and had a smug smile as she looked right at her mom while she exclaimed , “Praise you Jesus!”.

Her mom was indeed alil stunned. She did try hiding the obvious though.

Isn’t it so extremely beautiful when you are so certain that God will lead you to the one thing you are earnestly looking for and that is exactly what you find waiting for you, like it was just meant to happen ?

Alice had faith , peace and the power of the Holy spirit in her. It was like she was casually conversing with Jesus, like this was all their naughty plan to create alil hustle in the calm. Alice did not ask God to help find the lost key. Alice knew that Jesus would lead them to it, so sure that she knew it was before the day ends . Much better, they found it the same morning, a matter of a few hours.

What a peculiar faith ?

She did not order God or gave him a set of instructions on how she wants things or when and where should the key be found. She simply said , ‘Jesus I know this is your doing, and I know you’ll show us the way. You will give us what we are looking for.’

In His time, Jesus not only did exactly what He would, but He also made His time inclined with Her’s.

Aren’t we all Alice’s mom most often ? Worrying way too much and taking off our frustrations on the people around ? Blaming God because we often can’t find what we are looking for ? Remembering all the bad things, listing them up and questioning the King of Glory of what do we glorify Him about? Sometimes we know what we are looking for and sometimes we don’t, but we are so involved in the what ifs, why not, how, what , when , where, why – that we fail to acknowledge the mastermind planning the hustle.

He stands patiently beside us and wait for us to become Alice. To remain calm and peaceful, and that can only happen when we can have a faith like her. A faith that is strong enough to be unbelievably brave in the storms and chaos and to know that there is everything good about the storm, the best is to have Jesus beside us, to realize the storm is not really a storm but our humane brain weaving a trap that is eroding our peace.

He waits patiently for us to become like Alice and talk to Him; To show confidence in Him rather than blaming and bringing up all the adversities that actually helped us to be where we are; To not forget the good that we reaped in the bad; To not ask Him for help but to accept the fact that He will help us regardless we ask for help or not if only we have more faith in Him than our situations.

He waits for us to acknowledge that it is not the situation that should rule our mind but our faith that should lead us through our mindtraps and rough patches.

And He also smiles and waits for us to have a heart of gratitude in it all.

How beautiful is the faith of Alice? Alice knew losing the key would be really a bad thing to happen, and while her mom’s worry was reasonable, what was unreasonable was that her mom let her worry make her see innocent people as potential thieves, much worse she relived all the past anxieties and fears and had not yet realised what greater blessings God had given them, she knew about them, yet in such times, her mom failed to weigh that their blessings were so much more profound, cherishable and generously given.

Alice knew all this. And even though she was the child, she was in a better place to understand How great and magnificent are the ways in which our Lord works.

Age does not count to confirm the intensity of one’s faith, a child may have a faith that is brighter and fiercer than that of an experienced older person.

Reach a state of calm like Alice, whether you lose a key or something or someone, whether you are waiting for someone or something, know in your heart that Jesus will lead you to it. Infact, be certain He is already leading you to it. Don’t stop looking. Don’t stop believing. And start talking to Him. He is listening and waiting to talk to us.

We all know this scripture that says, “Faith in God can move mountains ” , well we won’t need Him to move mountains for us, maybe a small stone, but often we’ll make these small stones seem like humongous godzilla’s chasing our leftover peace, sounds funny right ? But it does become gravely seriously when you are living in a situation like so. The situation can be assumed to be overwhelming as we let our mind weave a web about it’s enormity, half the problem is actually not even real, 98% of our worry we can do without, they are just our fears and anxiety resurfacing at the forefront wanting attention, and most often we give in. Try not. How ? Work on that faith sweets, Read His word, accept it and let it live in you.

Just imagine Him sitting beside you with a smile, in every situation, imagine Him stand by you and feel that sense of privilege that you know He is just there and only you can see Him with your eyes of faith, but the person before you can’t. Let this be your thing, like He is invisible to the world you interact with but very visible to your heart and mind and soul. And may be you could even let some know of His presence and how wonderful He is and let them too, have a secret friend at their side at all times ?

Sometimes we need to sit calm, and think how would Jesus want us to feel in a situation like so, ask Him if you want, ask aloud , what would He expect us to do ? And mind you , you will always find the answer almost clashing with the way you’d be feeling or thinking. And if there seem to be no clashes, you will have found the calm and peace you’ll have when there is faith radiating in your breath. You will not question Him then because you will automatically think and feel like He wants you to.

Stay vibrant in Jesus. Bless you. Bless sweet Alice and her mom and their family. And bless you all in your journey of finding your peace.

Have alil more faith.

Dear you,

May all that is disturbing you be laid to rest. May all your fears you overcome.

May happiness be your first choice.

And may simplest small things give you greater joys.

Life is in the moments , lets not wait for the good things to happen to us. Because even in the toughest patches are life’s greatest lessons. I don’t know what you are going through. But let’s remember what God said, “This too shall pass.” and it surely will. Today, just enjoy your day, there’s a reason you were born, a miracle to your parents and moulded by God.And even if we grow older, we still are children of God, and God never ever forsakes.

I know, the struggle in you is as real as your breath. You should know that you aren’t alone. There are tons of people going through tons of things on a daily basis. So just take one day at a time, breathe deeply, close your eyes for a moment and say it to yourself “It will pass. This is temporary. GOD is working with me, on me, in me.”

Dont worry about things you can’t control, work with things you can and leave it to God to intervene in your utmost helplessness. HE IS THERE. HE ALWAYS IS. There’s no reason to worry, especially knowing that He goes before us in our battlefields, He ensures that He leads us through adversities on the path of victory alone. Just like He-‘the great I Am’ – directed Moses & Joshua and led his chosen Israel to the promised land, what makes us doubt that our Eternal Father won’t lead us to the promised blessings He has in store for us ?

At times we may feel HE isn’t there, honestly He is there, He never leaves but may be, He isn’t aiding you because there’s something you are doing wrong , there’s something that you need to change, there’s something that you need to realise and figure out on your own. God shows the path, but to choose it is our choice; He helps but we need to become small, humble ourselves and Ask Him with faith and belief. We should have confidence in our Father that He will deliver us in His time. He is merciful especially when we repent. He does become angry just as our father on earth will, when we do wrong, but He readily forgives when we turn to Him in penance and prayer.

To be the chosen one, first believe that you truly are the Chosen one, count the countless blessings, at your lowest make atleast one person smile, that will make you forget your endless miseries for a few richly cherished moments.

You are chosen. And that indeed is such a great peace. Let it seep into your cells . Believe.

Reflect on these :

1.This too shall pass.

2 Corinthians 4: 17-18 For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever. So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

2.He saves.

Acts 2: 21 Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’

Joel 2:32 Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

3. Ask him in faith.

Mathew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Mathew 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask in prayer.

Matthew 18:19 Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

John 14:13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

John 16:23-24 Truly I tell you, anything you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. Until now you have asked for nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.

James 1:5-8 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

1John 3:22 we receive from him whatever we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him.

1John 5:14-15 We have courage in God’s presence, because we are sure that he hears us if we ask him for anything that is according to his will. He hears us whenever we ask him; and since we know this is true, we know also that he gives us what we ask from him.

4. He chose you. He never forsakes.

John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

Isaiah 41:9-10 you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off”; “do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

James 1:17 -18 Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause darkness by turning. By his own will he brought us into being through the word of truth, so that we should have first place among all his creatures.

Isaiah 41: 13 For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.”

5. He promises the impossible.

Isaiah 41:17-18 When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue is parched with thirst, I the Lord will answer them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys, I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.

Mathew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you.

Take care and stay strong. It’s okay to feel what you feel. But only your faith should overcome you.

Have a blest day.

Lot’s of Love, hope & peace,


The walk.

Lee : Jesus, where are we going ?

Jesus : That’s a surprise my child. 

Lee: Will I be happy?

Jesus : With me, yes, you will be.

Lee: See Lord, it’s so beautiful and green, can I take one flower? They are so beautiful!

Jesus : My child, What would you do with it ?

Lee : hmmmm.. keep it… ? take it home.. 

Jesus : And then. 

Lee : It will die eventually, though. So I dunno.

Jesus : Yes. This beauty that you see around will fade in time, even you my child , your outer beauty will fade as you grow older, but your inner beauty will shine brighter. Will you walk with me ? Where I want to take you, is a beautiful place, but quite an adventure. Are you ready ?

Lee: Yes , Lord. I so am. Let’s go. 

Jesus : Thinking. [ If only she knew, that not all paths will be through the greenest valleys, there will be a few paths through the dessert, where she will be thirsty for many things, but they will be hard to find, there will be a few or many mountains for us together to climb, will she remember at all times, that I am here, holding her hand ? Will she remember to be this excited about life always, as we walk through these green meadows ? I will teach her. I hope she allows me to. ]

Lee : Jesus? Are you there ? Why are you not talking to me ?

Jesus : I’m here my child, what is it ?

Lee : The green pastures are gone, and I think there’s a storm coming our way, I’m afraid. Please don’t leave me Lord.

Jesus : Listen to me my child, I am your God, I will never forsake you. Do not be afraid. I am with you, for now and always. Do not fear the storm, when you have me. Do not doubt my presence through our journey. 

Lee : Our journey Lord? Ain’t this my life ?

Jesus : No, my child. This life that I gave you belongs to me as much as you, you are mine, and so is your life. I control it. Do you have faith ?

Lee : Faith ? Yes Lord. But What about the storm ? There’s no way out. We are trapped. 

Jesus : This is your test My child, Fix your eyes on me. Whom do you see ? In this storm, if you see only me, You will know I will lead you through it. Don’t take your eyes off me, you will get lost.

Lee : If I get lost, Will you find me ? 

Jesus : I always will. But will you come back to me, when you find the way ?

Lee : Yes Lord.

Jesus : I will always wait. Trust me, my child, what awaits you goes through me first. I will not give you what you can’t handle. And when you are tired and heavy burdened, give it to me, your all, and I will give you rest.

Lee : I love you Lord. I now know I’m safe in your hands. I will focus on you as we go through this.

Jesus : I love you more my child,  My love for you is boundless. Even when you lose focus, I will be there. I will protect you and save you. Do not be afraid. I am the way, the truth and the life.

Lee : You are my way. My life is your’s. I am your child. Thank you for being with me.

Jesus : Come now, child, let’s go. The plans I have for you, will lead you to prosperity. Count on me. And remember, it is not only the dessert we shall walk through, but we will have to climb the hills and mountains on our way. We have to keep walking, in faith. My father will guide us with His spirit. Do you believe in me ?

Lee : Yes , Lord , I do. Will it be too tough ?

Jesus : It will make you brave and strong and victorious. Let’s keep walking. Each step will take us closer to your reward.

Learn as you walk, child. There are many lessons we learn in this walk of life. 

I will teach you. 

Lee: I will try to do right, please don’t leave me.

Jesus : I won’t.

______ _____ _______ _________ ____________
As we walk through life, we often fail to realise that God is with us, every moment of our journey.

May we learn to focus on Him, to remember Him always in all that we do.

May we learn the many lessons he wants us to learn as His plans for our lives unfold.

May we learn to be like Him. Gentle, kindhearted, full of love and mercy and compassion and gratitude and limitless faith.

Stay blest.


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For He goes before me.

“But inspite of what I said, you still would not trust the LORD, even though He always went ahead of you to find a place for you to camp. To show you the way , He went in front of you in a pillar of fire by night and in a pillar of cloud by day.” DEUTERONOMY 1:32-33.

My Lord has walked the path I walk, he has borne much more pain than I do, He has absorbed the wrath of my enemies before I even felt the blurred heat.

What wrongs I face are much more mellowed down, only because my Lord has taken the worst upon him. 

What I face is what he knows I can take. 

And as I feel weak and call on Him in my hour of need, he stops fighting my battle and envelopes me in his tender loving arms, He is my shield, but above all He is my Father.

He has been in my morrows, my yesterdays and my now.

He never forsakes, even when I do, He is always there right beside me or before me , protecting me with His army of angels.

Whether I go east or west, choose good or evil, he knows my every thought, my every choice, my every decision, my every step, even before I know it. 

All mistakes and sins I do, I inflict much more pain on him than tainting my soul.

But He knows, that to do the rightful thing sometimes we need the wrong ways to help us learn the lessons that no cautious warning would ever make us understand.

He loves us despite the person we become, good or bad, righteous or prodigal , we are alike. For him we are His children. And like the best father He is, He will always guide our steps, our thoughts , our dreams, our wishes.

Oh pillar of fire ! Oh pillar of clouds !

warming the nights and blessing our days,

Your presence around me fills me with wonder.

Lead me to Your ways, Lord, teach me to pray.

Oh humble, Oh Mighty !

Oh ever Loving Merciful Father !

Your majesty, I am enchanted,

Your grace is my strength ,

Your love – my courage,

Your presence- my Hope,

Your Mercy -my faith.

As Your hands mould me, Oh divine Potter !

cleanse my heart and so my soul,

fill me with your love,

rekindle my faith, let it burn like hot coal.

Let me see what You see for me,

Let me do Your Holy will,

and alas! if I ever do fail you,

forgive me when I come to you on my bended knees, in repentance,

Lord , I know you will receive me,

and heal me with your love that is abundant.

Love alone is the magic to cure everything,

sin or disease, hatred or weakness, temptations or desires,

it is love that can fill all voids in our lives,

and love alone , we need to feel whole.

This love , is YOU LORD.

Oh my Father, worthy of Praise,

You are love, so pure, love eternal set ablaze,

never dying, never failing,

always guiding, always healing. 

Thank you Lord, Thank you Father,

Praise you Lord, Praise you Father.



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Lord and Me.

Everynight and Everyday, Lord,

You and I are there, sitting together, in Your heavenly care,

as you teach me how love and pain to share.

I ask you, You give me,

Everything that I want,

but with a warning,

not to do anything wrong.

You help me Lord, when I’m in need,

You’re my best friend and Father indeed,

When all work is done,

You and I have some fun,

playing and running, and chasing the setting sun.

The day has gone and the night has come,

I’m so afraid, Lord, but You are so calm!

I fall asleep on Your holy palm,

but You never sleep But protect me from all evil harm.

You are so loving and kind towards me,

You are like my shadow always sticking by me,

Thank you for being my guide who guards me,

Thank you for never forsaking me.

You, my Lord , created all wonders,

You watch my every step, and save me from life thunders,

You make me wise, and fill me with Your Grace,

You always bless me with good knowledge,

and thus, You I shall forever Praise.
(This poem was actually written by me in 2007.. like 10 yrs back.. Just found the scribbles.. worthy of posting. )


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I’m not cool. I choose Jesus.

I can write about my Lord so much, sometimes I can’t stop.
It’s not only a question of faith,

and I’m not a saint,

It is so sad when I see people mock faith, wear Rosary as an accessory more than a symbol of faith.

It is so sad when they mock people who talk abit about God, and call you dramatic.
Faith is losing importance day by day.

And that is even more sad.
I’m glad I’m not too caught up to look good and acceptable and cool, because that might win me a better crowd, but will surely not give me soulful peace.

In the quiet of a church or a temple, or any place of worship, there is a sense of divinity, a mystical beautiful calming feeling that allows you to sit in stillness, and the silence is not deafening. 

I’m so glad that we Christians still do have hours of holy adoration where we sit together in silent prayer before the Holy Sacrament, and for once in such moments – life is not a rat race, not making me want to run, chase or break.

It simply offers a divine peace and acceptance.
And that is something about faith.

In such moments we don’t have to be told what power there is in stillness. And yet when the numerous times we read the bible  verse “Be still” it really makes no much sense, untill you feel the holy presence our divine Lord in these moments of prayful meditation.

We listen to them sing, praise and worship, and we part take in it all, there are such moments where words spoken then hit you hard, make you want to cry down, there is depth, and you can feel the holiness of our Lord engulfing you and blanketing you. Its like magic all around, I very often am mesmerized with the feel of this. Even a person lacking faith, will start to believe in this mystical divinity.

Have faith. Be still. Feel HIM. He is near. He speaks in the silence. In the most deafening silence, the chaos is in your head, listen to your heart because He lives there, He awaits for you to acknowledge, and when you do, Silence will be the most peaceful place , you’d want to live in, with Him.

Stay blest. God bless. I will always choose my Jesus. Will you too ?


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As HE spoke to me.

Dear Friends, 

This chapter:  Jeremiah 31 : in the Bible helped me immensely to rekindle my faith. It is so clearly written to understand deeply and have hope because there’s simply so much God spoke to me in this.

I hope this touches you as it touched me.


My Lord speaks : ——————-

“My child, My dearest loving sweet child, When you were lost in the desert of a false life and false belief, I was with you, I showed you my mercy. Remember My love,  My mercy and grace will help you overcome all your shortcomings and limitations. 

I have always loved you, My child, always, and I continue to show you my constant love. I will rebuild you, and equip you with everything that you shall need as I will guide you to the storms you face in life, and I will lead you to a road back to me where you will not stumble.

Trust me My love, Have so much faith that you can trust me blindly, for I will never let you down.

If the devil has given you the thoughts, that I have punished you, that I have scattered your emotions and your life in a whirlwind, that it is my fault that you are suffering, Listen to me, Please , Speak to me, do not let him make you believe in him and doubt me. I will gather you, and your hurt feelings, I will guard you like the good shepherd I am. I will set you free from the evil trap, let Me in , my child. Let Me do this for You.

Only I can save you. Will you let me ? Because when I do, you shall be overjoyed and delighted with all the blessings I shower you with. With Me, you will be well taken care of, and all your needs will be satisfied. I will comfort you like a mother to her child, I will turn your mourning into joy, your sorrow into gladness. Believe in Me.

I am not a genie here to grant your wishes. I am Your God, Your Father, Your creator, I know so much more about you and your needs than you know yourself and even more than your own father and mother. I know your every thought, I know my plan for your life, for your future, your prosperity. 

Stop your crying and wipe away your tears.

My dear parents, don’t forget that you too are my children, even when you I have blest with my other children, even as you grow older, you are still my children as your chidren are to you, no matter how old they get, for you they will always be your small babies you want to protect, like I do. I assure you, all that you have done for your children will not go unrewarded; each time you placed your child before your wishes, dreams and happiness, I will bless you with even greater rewards. Your children are mine, and I will deliver them from the hands of our enemy/ satan.

My child, There is hope for your future; a HOPE that I will always give you, even when you feel that flame extinguished, I will let it burn within you. For my Hope for you is endless and so should your faith in me be. You are my dearest child, the one I love best, my love for you is boundless. 

Whenever I mention your name, I think of you with loveMy heart goes out to you; just like a mothers flutters the moment she see’s her newborn. You do that to me each time you look upwards to me and call for me with faith and hope in your eyes. You give me pure joy to help you my child.

Come to me even when you have wronged me, I will be merciful, because my love will overpower all the wrongs you do. Because your wrongs are not you, you are my pure child, created will pure love, if the evil tempts you , try not to give in, I will help you if you ask me. I will not hold your wrongs against you. If you have gone astray, far away from me, it is never too late to return, I am waiting for you. Think of me, say my Name, It has power, believe and you shall find your way back to Me. Even when the evil tempts you to believe that it is futile, that there is no way back, that you are stuck, and I will not forgive you and accept you, Do not believe him.

After all that I have said to you, believe me, have faith in my love, Do not be afraid of me. I am Your father, even if I do get angry, Don’t you think it is my right to be so, as your father, allow me  to correct you, to lead you, to guide you, to protect you, to help you.

Come back my love, Come back home. Come back to me. You will always find a way back to me.  My spirit will guide you.

I will refresh your weary self and will satisfy your hunger with good food for your spirit.

 My child, when I test you, lead you to the deep waters, as I took care to uproot, to pull down, to overthrow, to destroy, and to demolish you, so will I take care to plant and build you into something more stronger and beautiful. Let me shape and mould you for the plans I have in store for you. Be open to My Will, it will be easy when you focus on me.

Have you ever seen an artist or a potter at work, how mystical it is to watch, you are my canvas, my clay , I am the creator , I will make the best of you , be patient with me, the longer I take with you, the results will be even more spectacular. Let me do what I must to make the most of you. Never lose faith in me.

Also remember , no sins are passed down to generations, no one is punished for the wrongs of others, do not curse, because curses belong to the evil one, they will bite back. Bless everyone, even the ones that make you doubt my plan. Bless your situations, Pray to me, I will speak to you.

My word is the portal for us to meet in prayer. Each one shall be held guilty for your own wrongdoings, until you repent and come back to me. Then, I will reside in the temple within you. I will be Your God, and You will be my precious child. I will forgive all of your sins and no longer remember your wrongs. I, the Lord, have spoken.

All of yourself will be rebuilt as my child, my own. You are sacred to me, in totality;  sin or without sin, good and bad, I will accept you, never reject you , for you are my sweet child, my love, I will never again let you be torn down or destroyed. I will make you whole in Me.

Much Love and blessings always,

Your loving Father.


Let’s read the Word of the Lord along with it.

Jeremiah 31 (GNT)

 In the desert I showed mercy to those people who had escaped death. When the people of Israel longed for rest, I appeared to them from far away. People of Israel, I have always loved you, so I continue to show you my constant love. Once again I will rebuild you.


9 I will guide them to streams of water,
    on a smooth road where they will not stumble.

10 The Lord says,

I scattered my people, but I will gather them
    and guard them as a shepherd guards his flock.
11 I have set Israel’s people free
    and have saved them from a mighty nation.
12 They will come and sing for joy on Mount Zion
    and be delighted with my gifts
They will be like a well-watered garden;
    they will have everything they need.
13 Then the  young and old, will rejoice.
I will comfort them and turn their mourning into joy,
    their sorrow into gladness.
14 I will fill the priests with the richest food
    and satisfy all the needs of my people.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”

16 Stop your crying
    and wipe away your tears.
All that you have done for your children
    will not go unrewarded;
    they will return from the enemy’s land.
17 There is hope for your future;
    your children will come back home.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.

20 “Israel, you are my dearest child,
    the one I love best.
Whenever I mention your name,
    I think of you with love.
My heart goes out to you;
    I will be merciful.
21 Set up signs and mark the road;
    find again the way by which you left.
Come back, people of Israel,
    come home to the towns you left.

25 I will refresh those who are weary and will satisfy with food everyone who is weak from hunger. 


26 So then, people will say, ‘I went to sleep and woke up refreshed.’

28 And just as I took care to uproot, to pull down, to overthrow, to destroy, and to demolish them, so I will take care to plant them and to build them up. 29 When that time comes, people will no longer say,

‘The parents ate the sour grapes,
But the children got the sour taste.’

30 Instead, those who eat sour grapes will have their own teeth set on edge; and everyone will die because of their own sin.”

33 The new covenant that I will make with the people of Israel will be this: I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 None of them will have to teach a neighbor to know the Lord, because all will know me, from the least to the greatest. I will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their wrongs. I, the Lord, have spoken.”

35 The Lord provides the sun for light by day,
    the moon and the stars to shine at night.
He stirs up the sea and makes it roar;
    his name is the Lord Almighty.
36 He promises that as long as the natural order lasts,
    so long will Israel be a nation.

38 The time is coming,” says the Lord, “when all of Jerusalem will be rebuilt as my city.

40 The entire valley, where the dead are buried and garbage is dumped, and all the fields above Kidron  as far as the Horse Gate to the east, will be sacred to me. The city will never again be torn down or destroyed.”

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
