Commit to your peace.

It was only through the worst , I found me at my very best.
And for that I am truly grateful.

No, you don’t need an armour to win your battles, if you don’t have peace within, you are a lost cause.
First win the battle within, commit to your peace, learn to keep it there, alive and vibrant, being calm , helps you realise, half the storm was the noise in your head of the many “what ifs, why, why not, should I? , Maybe, if,…when, how, where, what…”

Half the storms are the zillion questions questioning your beliefs, your worth, your existence, your confidence, your journey, you. Half the questions are so repetitive, asked in different variations, making you believe there’s more to your iceberg than you see it.

Darling, most often , your storm is on the surface, the waves of the ocean, but you find yourself battling in it’s depths. Why? Because you are terrified, anxious, panicked.

You need to stop. Unplug. Detox. Think. Jot down if you must. Analyse your situation and breathe in the calming breaths of life. To win a battle you need to have a plan. A plan that you must sit back and put together and only then march into your battlefield. You can overcome anything, if you will yourself to do it.

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